January 24, 2005


Welcome to the Addis Ababa Rocking Fun Zone (AARFZ). At least, that's the name until I can come up with a more intelligent, insightful sounding one. For now, Rocking Fun Zone will have to do. I believe this is a reference to the Simpsons, which may give you a clue as to my tastes. (I think it involved Marge and Maggie locked up in an enclosure at the County Fair while Homer was out drinking - magic.)

Anyway, for those of you not in the know, I am Mr. K, indefinite resident of Addis Ababa, husband to an undisclosed Ethiopian, graduate of University of Washington, and friend of all. I'm not sure how these blogs work, so maybe I shouldn't be giving to much information away.

I hope this blog will be a useful resource for those of interested in learning a little bit more about Ethiopia or the interactions of an American in Ethiopia, or for those of you in search of a chuckle. I also hope this blog will launch my writing career, so best of luck to me and enjoy the writing.


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