May 14, 2005

Last flower of the night

In other news, my wife and I have been going to town on the Simpsons episodes we brought into the country. To my great pleasure, my wife has fallen in love the whole Simpson’s family. She is divided between Homer and Bart for her top spot, but I think like any clear-thinking human being, at the bottom of her heart, she’s a Homer-lover. In my mind, that’s what the whole show is about. Everyone else is simply supporting cast.

It’s funny how much she likes them. The episode where Bart tricks the town into thinking there’s a boy at the bottom of a well, then falls in himself – she watched it today for the second time and then I heard her replaying the last few minutes of the film when the town finally rallies to Bart’s rescue. I’ll say this – in the cynical age in which my generation has grown up, the writers of the Simpsons are probably the closest things to heroes that I know. It’s even better that my wife loves it, too.

Not that they are all roses. The Halloween specials can be a bit scary. The one from the fifth season where they knock off, “The Shining” is particularly violent, as are the other mini-films from that special. I don’t know – maybe it’s fun for the writers to break up the characters and take on interesting concepts that they can’t fit into the normal line-up. Still, they are my least favorite aspect of the Simpsons.
Wow, three paragraphs on the Simpsons. That might be my cue to get off. Take care all.


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