June 14, 2005

14-6-05 - The Fun Zone uses European date formatting

Based on the tone/content of recent posts, there seems to be speculation that the Fun Zone might be feeling down; nothing could be further from the truth! Granted, civil-uprisings can jolt anyone out of his normal mindset and civil uprisings aren’t always the appropriate time for Rocking Fun Zone type irreverence. That said, the Fun Zone is still on the scene 100%, ready to deliver the completely irrelevant content he loves to do.

Before going ahead, one shout out to my old Third-World colleague, Plutarcho Elias Calles, for his insightful comment on the blog and for sending me that completely useless list of jokes we (mostly he) found so amusing in high school. Ben Riddlesnest strikes again!

Okay, to Ethiopia. In terms of the overall situation, the unrest has calmed considerably and life has largely returned to normal. Taxis were running again yesterday. I’m sure all private car drivers were wishing they would continue their strike a bit longer. My employee was able to make it to work, however, thanks to the taxis. All in all, though, things seem pretty normal.

Last night, the Prime Minister extended the ban on protests for another month. All but the most optimistic ruling party opponents saw it coming. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to have aroused a response in the public. It’s my opinion that the next big reaction, if one should happen, will come 3 weeks from now when the official results are announced. During that time, we could again see things descend into violence, but hopefully we get a fair result that, if not satisfying the ultimate desires of both camps, at least will be grudgingly accepted…we all have to wait and see.

The mood in the office yesterday was quite buoyant. People seemed grateful to be back to work and that things had calmed, at least for the time being. Opposition supporters (about 80% of Addis’s population), continued their indignation, though they were noticeably quieter yesterday. I think yesterday was simply reserved as a happy reunion between friends and coworkers who’d been stuck in their houses the last five days, reading Ken Follet books and doing their best to focus on work, but falling short.

I'll sign off there with my current favorite quote from the Simpsons: "Well, you can't go wrong with Cocktail Weenies. They taste as good as they look and they come in this delicious red sauce. It looks like ketchup. It tastes like ketchup. But brother, it ain't Katchup". For the Ethiopian readers who haven't been introduced to the Simpsons, find a way. It is the best show to come out of the 1980's or 90's (sorry Cosby, Seinfeld [close second]).



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